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 And now when I find her, there's rings on her finger

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Number of posts : 177
Registration date : 2010-10-20

And now when I find her, there's rings on her finger Empty
PostSubject: And now when I find her, there's rings on her finger   And now when I find her, there's rings on her finger Icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 5:31 pm

Everybody in the building has to sing the song
All the boys and all the girlfriends sing the sing-a-long

I think I'm trouble, there's always a couple
Around me wherever I go
They're out there to bug me
I don't think it's funny
Everybody's laughing at me yeah

I wanna go out, but there's no one about
All my friends want a quiet one at home
They're that same age as me
And their husbands to be yeah
Everybody in the building

Everybody in the building has to sing the song
All the boys and all the girlfriends sing the sing-a-long

I make a move here, and I make a move there
I've got millions of things on the go
I'll write me the best lines, they're too corny sometimes
Everybody's laughing at me

Everybody in the building has to sing the song
All the boys and all the girlfriends sing the sing-a-long
Everybody in the building has to sing the song
All the boys and all the girlfriends sing the sing-a-long

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And now when I find her, there's rings on her finger
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